Monday, May 17, 2010

Pages I commented on

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Question 1: How low did the tempature go in the Childrens Blizzard?

The temperature was a verity of aerial temperatures, all obtaining under zero degrees Fahrenheit. The most coldest of temperatures recorded was -40 degrees, freezing any sort of rain or liquid moisture in the air. While the cold temperatures remained, the warmest of these temperatures where -4 degrees Fahrenheit.

Question 2:What was the damage of the Children's Blizzard of 1888

In the schoolchildren blizzard, many where trapped in one room schoolhouses when others where trapped outside while returning home. Over 500 beings met their fate of hypothermia on January 13Th 1888,and traffic was impended for the next few days while the mass amounts of snow and ice slowly melted in the states it collided with. Many properties where also damaged in the icy conditions, roofs fell in, and houses where flooded by the melting of the 50 foot high drifts (Enough to swallow up three story houses in some cases.)

Question 3

Blizzards are amounts of frozen water, that came down in these forms form the atmosphere the fell from, in the atmosphere, the air is colder than that of earths, making the ice slowly drift to earth. Snow is always falling in the atmosphere, but when they reach earth they melt, but when earths temperature is below zero it remains frozen, making snow. Blizzards however have strong winds blowing, and a heavy downpour of sleet starts to blow, the amount of snow conceived can be blinding, you can be 20 feet form your destination, and not see it because of the harsh amount of snow and winds, making the plateaus around the person become white all over, drifts (High hills made of snow can be huge, up to 50ft in occasional patterns.)