Information Collected.

Before it Happened.:
The weather proceeding the Children's Blizzard of 1888 was seasonably mild, but very heavy rainfall right before the first wave. At the dawn of this phenomenon, temperatures dropped rapidly. Water that had already hit the ground began to freeze, snow seemed to fall like rain, heavy and without inconsistency. The drifts of the blizzard overcame three story houses, the highest drift being in Gravesend, New York The drifts overcame 50 foot tall appearances. Was that all? No, there was gargantuan 80 mile and hour winds winds gusting from coast to coast.

The main cause:
The main cause of this storm, was that the immense Artic cold fronts collided with the southern draft winds, this caused the temperature to drop within a few moments, from normal temperature to a colder -20 degree •F temperatures, causing the sudden outbreak, and the fatal casualties that occured soon thereafter.

Why is was this bad:
The reason why it was this hour was because of the time it occured, it occured in the middle of the day, when all the young, and most grown adults where returning from occupations and schooling. The magnitude, and the sudden appearance of the storm caused many people to be stranded at work/ at home. Over 500 died of hypothermia, and traveling was savagely impended the days afterwards.

States affected: North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Montana, Wyoming and Idaho.

Other Names of the storm: The SchoolChildrens Blizzard and the Big Brash Blizzard of 1888.

Over 235 casualties where mentioned, this devastating storm is still in modern times called one of the most dangerous blizzards of all time, killing a record number of people, and dropping a record 100 degrees in less than 24 hours.